It goes a little something like this...
I volunteered at a youth conference a while back. Now I know that I'm not a youth, but the message still touched me. The pastor stated that, "You're reliving this moment for the second time. God has already wrote your story. All He did is press rewind and you started from the beginning and you're living through it. And just to give you a hint, you win at the end." There was no doubt that I needed to hear that message. I'll be the first to admit that I look at the glass as half empty as opposed to half full. Often, it's not about what I did right, but instead on what I need to improve. Where I get this trait from? I have no clue. Neither of my parents possess it.
Here are 5 things I want you to remember today. I want you to keep saying them to yourself until you actually believe it. It doesn't always happen over night, but over night is when it'll start to manifest. Are you ready?
I am perfectly made:
Maybe you wish you had a few more curves. If, only just tab bit taller. Maybe you wish your hair was a little thicker and longer, or maybe (like most) you wish you could eat anything you wanted and not a gain a pound and calories was a food that didn't exist. We're all imperfectly perfect. It's life. God made you the way he wanted you. No you don't look like the model's and celebrities on the magazine covers, because those people don't look like that without Photoshop and make-up. Might I add I think some of those make-up artist are Fairy Godmothers because they transform some people to look like a different person. Now that's true art! We ALL have insecurities. Truthfully, I think it's what humbles us. It isn't what you look like that makes you beautiful, it's your spirit that people are drawn to.
I'm right where I'm supposed to be:
A few of us don't want to hear this, including myself. Where you are right now is all part of the journey. Yes, the ups and downs. The times when you feel as if you aren't getting an answer, it's a test. You're going to get tested in every area before you can move on to the next. How long does the test last? I'm not sure, I didn't format the test. But as many say, the teacher is quiet during the test because he has already given you instruction prior to tackle every problem and it's the same with God. He gave you everything to defeat the test ahead. He does trust you to keep going.
My blessing doesn't always look like what I've imagined it would:
I literally just laughed typing the title of this one. This is so true and I can't even count how many times I received a blessing and it didn't come in the form that I thought it would. At times I found myself saying, "Really, God?" Don't judge the blessing based on the packaging. God can use anything and anyone. You're creative, but you're not as nearly as thoughtful as God with ideas and plans for your own life. Allow your mind to be blown by God's creativity.
God has not forgotten me:
He's heard every pray and caught each tear that trickled from your eye. He's not punishing you for what you did back when you were 16, 21, 35, or 49. He's not teasing you by letting you see those around you flourish as you sit feeling stagnant. I know that sometimes it feels as if you're a kid again waiting in front of the school for your parent to pick you up from school. Everyone is whisked away by their parent and when you hear tires upon gravel your heart leaps hoping that this ride is for you, but to your disappointment again, it isn't. It's for someone else. And you can only begin to wonder if maybe God forgot about you, or if you're being reprimanded for a crime you weren't aware you committed. As much as we like to believe it, we're not in control. We have choices, but things fall into place the way in which they should. For some of us, it takes longer to get there than others. Why? Because it is designed that way. You don't need an answer to every question. Learn to accept what is.
I will love freely:
Love doesn't hurt. Love is strong. However, the actions of those around us can cause for pain to hurt worse when we love something or someone. Remember that God will never make you sacrifice something He isn't willing to do himself. He sacrificed His son for you. He knows your pain. He loves each and every one of us on earth, but not everyone loves him back. Can you imagine how much that hurts? Have you every fallen in love with someone and they didn't love you back? Love is a choice. And people choose whether to love us or not. Of course it hurts when they don't choose to, but there is someone out there that does. Love is not something to be ashamed of. Again, it doesn't make you weak. Occasionally, loving someone means loving them from afar.
I think it's interesting that each of us are a part of someone's love story. Whether we're the friend that gives them advice, we introduced them to their mate, or we're the one that they prayed for and eventually blessed with, we are written in the chapters of their book. So don't get discouraged, keep turning the pages. Yes, this may be a solemn chapter or you may just be on the brink of the climax. Don't forget, you win at the end. Keep turning the pages.
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