Recently I watched a movie that had quite a few "Aha" moments in it. It provoked a lot emotion. Happiness, sadness, confusion, and the list goes on. Despite all of the lessons bottled into 2 hours and 6 minutes of the movie, I took away the quote "Save your 10".
To save your 10 means to save the scale number for the absolute worst. The example was used referring to pain when going to the doctor. Usually they ask on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the absolute worst, what is your pain right now. Many times when we go, we'll rate it a high 8 or 9. Maybe you've felt what you'd constitute as a 10. Maybe, just maybe you haven't felt that 10 yet. Possibly you didn't know that one day you'd exceed the pain you felt back then. Truthfully, it may not be physical pain.
I began to think about rating your happiness from a 1 to 10 with 10 being total bliss. I'm sure most of us would rate our happiness much lower than we rate our pain. On average we'd probably say somewhere from 5 to 7 is where we hover. Rarely we feel as though we've reached that absolute 10. Maybe yours was when you first accepted God into your life, graduating school, owning your first home, the birth of a child, your wedding day, or receiving a check to a job you prayed earnestly about. You may even rate those as a high 8 or 9. Could it be true that we're all waiting for that one spectacular thing to happen so we wait for that 10 moment? We may not know what it is we're waiting for but when we receive it or shall I say experience it, we'll know.
In some ways we could have experienced that 10 of happiness and haven't noticed it. We may not recognize it until years from now. Just as we don't realize our good days, which we label as boring days at times, until we have a bad day.
Fortunately, yet unfortunately, we'll experience the 10 on each scale. It won't be the same for all of us because we were created differently. Yes, life will have its disappointments but it has its totally blissful moments as well. Just know that it's okay not to be okay all the time. But also know it's okay to be happy. Don't deprive yourself of happiness because you're scared. All things are temporary, your happiness, and most important your pain.
Create a 7 or 8 moment in your life! Most of the time 10 moments are the moments we share with others. Could it be that you are still saving your 10?
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